Image displaying a character resembling Gojo in a Roblox game setting, highlighted with text overlays that read 'Gojo Full Guide' and keys '1 2 3 4 Q R'. The character has white hair, blue eyes, and wears a dark blue outfit, positioned against a purple and white corridor background.

Full Gojo Guide - Jujutsu Shenanigans

Coprehensive Gojo (Honored One) Guide for Jujutsu Shenanigans in Roblox. This guide will detail all of Gojo's abilities, interactions, and the steps to create his signature move, the Hollow Purple Explosion.

May 7, 2024
Image displaying a character resembling Gojo in a Roblox game setting, highlighted with text overlays that read 'Gojo Full Guide' and keys '1 2 3 4 Q R'. The character has white hair, blue eyes, and wears a dark blue outfit, positioned against a purple and white corridor background.

Basic Information

  • Health: 100 HP
  • Awakening: Six Eyes

First character from Jujutsu Shenanigans, based on Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen. This character offers a fun and diverse moveset ranging from close-range melee abilities to the strongest and largest range abilities in the game.


Special Move - Limitless Cursed Technique

  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
  • Interruptible


  • R (PC)
  • D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Star Button (Mobile)


This ability consumes about 6% of the Awakening bar. It cannot be used without at least 6%.

This image shows a user interface for a character named Gojo, featuring an "awakened progress bar" in blue that is slightly less than full, indicating some consumption. The menu, titled "Six Eyes," displays several abilities on a dark textured background.
Awakening Bar Usage Visualization


With this ability, you can teleport to the enemy you are aiming at after initially channeling for about 1 second. This ability can also be used to perform Airborne Kick and Black Flash.

Animation showing character Gojo, dressed in a blue suit with white hair, raising his arm and teleporting to an enemy with a dynamic glass-breaking screen effect. The scene loops seamlessly.

If you rotate between teleporting, you can also end up behind the enemy.

Animation showing character Gojo, dressed in a blue suit with white hair, raising his arm and teleporting towards an enemy. During the teleportation, Gojo performs a 180-degree turn and ends up behind the enemy, accompanied by a dynamic glass-breaking screen effect. The scene loops seamlessly.
Rotating Mid-Teleport

Base Moveset

1. Lapse Blue

  • Damage: About 9
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
  • Blockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 1 (PC)
  • LB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 (Mobile)


This ability pulls your targeted enemy toward you (make sure to aim at the target precisely), and afterward kicks them away. Although it can be easily blocked, its greatest use case is that it works on ragdolled opponents, meaning that you can damage the opponent and ragdoll them, and still continue your combo/attack. You can also pull the enemies back into the fight if they try to escape, as the ability has quite a good range. With this ability, you can also spin around before kicking the enemy away if done quickly, to change the trajectory.

Animation showing character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, using his abilities to pull an enemy towards him on a city street. Gojo performs a spinning kick and then kicks the enemy away. The scene includes a modern urban setting with buildings and a clear sky. The action loops seamlessly.
Lapse Blue


If the enemy is killed by this ability, there will be a finisher animation where he is stopped mid-air and crushed with debris.

Image shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, standing in a city street and controlling debris with an outstretched hand to crush an enemy against a building. The debris appears to be in motion around the enemy, creating a dynamic and powerful scene.
Lapse Blue Finisher

Lapse Blue + Special Move Combo (Airborne Kick)

  • 1 + R (PC)
  • LB + D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 + Star Button (Mobile)

When the enemy gets launched into the air from Lapse Blue, we can use the Special Move (R), to create a simple combo where we teleport to them midair, and kick them into the ground. The Airborne Kick deals about 5 extra damage.

Animation showing character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, using his ability to pull an enemy towards him on a city street and executing a spinning kick. After the kick, Gojo teleports again with a striking visual effect, delivering another kick that sends the enemy crashing into the ground midair. The scene loops seamlessly, showcasing a dynamic sequence of combat skills.
Airborne Kick

Note: Airborne kick works on any airborne enemy, Lapse Blue is not a requirement.

2. Reversal Red

  • Damage: About 10
  • Cooldown: 20 Seconds
  • Blockable (Blocks Ragdoll but still takes about 5% reduced damage)
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 2 (PC)
  • LT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 2 (Mobile)


Reversal Red is a red ball of energy that explodes upon impact and also has a large range. It damages the surrounding area and also ragdolls the opponent (unless the opponent is Blocking towards it, in that case, they only take a reduced damage of about 5).

Animation depicting character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, pointing his hand towards an enemy on a city street and firing a red ball that explodes on impact. The surroundings include modern, colorful buildings and a clear sky, enhancing the action-packed scene. The sequence loops seamlessly, emphasizing the dramatic effect of the explosion.
Reversal Red

Reversal Red + Special Move Combo (Surprise Red)

  • 2 + R (PC)
  • LT + D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 2 + Star Button (Mobile)

This ability can also be combined with the Special Move. If we activate it right after activating this ability and we are looking at the enemy, we will teleport behind them and strike them with the Reversal Red from behind. This means that we have a chance to get through their block since we are damaging them from behind, where the block won't protect them.

Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, teleporting behind an enemy on a city street and levitating upside down while casting a red ball. As he fires the red ball, it hits the enemy in the back with an explosive impact. The background features modern buildings and a clear sky, enhancing the dramatic effect. The action loops seamlessly, displaying Gojo's dynamic combat abilities.
Surprise Red

Note: This move can also be done mid-air.

3. Rapid Punches

  • Damage: About 17
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
  • Unblockable (Blocks Ragdoll but still takes about 5 reduced damage)
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll (Small Window after Uptilt)


  • 3 (PC)
  • RT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 3 (Mobile)


Rapid punches begin with a spinning kick, followed by a barrage of punches that at the end launches the opponent away, and ragdolls them. It can also be used on semi-ragdolled opponents, to create some interesting combos that are shown below at Twofold Kick and Full Combo.

Animation depicting character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, executing a jumping spinning kick against an enemy on a city street, followed by a rapid beatdown. The sequence culminates with Gojo delivering a powerful punch that throws the enemy away. The backdrop features colorful buildings and lush green trees, adding vibrancy to the action-packed scene. The action loops seamlessly.
Rapid Punches


If the enemy is killed by this ability, then Gojo will perform a Black Flash for a cool finisher.

Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, delivering the final punch in a beatdown sequence against an enemy on a pedestrian crossing. The punch generates a black flash, accompanied by dynamic visual effects signaling the opponent's defeat. The urban setting features modern buildings and street details. The action loops seamlessly, highlighting the intensity of the final move.
Rapid Punches Finisher

4. Twofold Kick

  • Damage: About 5 (with both hits hitting)
  • Cooldown: 20 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 4 (PC)
  • RB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 (Mobile)


This is the second block-breaking ability from Gojo. With this ability, you kick the enemy in the air and then into the ground combining two movements; afterward, they bounce from the ground into the air. The first kick is blockable, but the second one isn't.

Animation depicts Gojo, a character in a blue suit with white hair, kicking an enemy into the air on a city street. He follows up with a second forceful kick that slams the opponent into the ground, causing them to bounce upon impact. The backdrop includes urban buildings and a pedestrian crossing, enhancing the dramatic combat scene. The sequence loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's dynamic martial arts skills.
Twofold Kick

Twofold Kick + Special Move Combo (Trifold Kick)

  • 4 + R (PC)
  • RB + D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 + Star Button (Mobile)

Combining these abilities will perform a trifold kick, where we also teleport to the enemy mid-air and kick them into the ground from there.

Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, initially kicking an enemy into the air on a city street. Midair, Gojo teleports to the opponent and delivers another powerful kick, driving them into the ground. The urban setting features buildings and a pedestrian crossing, highlighting the intense combat actions. The scene loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's agility and supernatural abilities.
Trifold Kick

Twofold Kick + Rapid Punches Combo

  • 4 + 3 (PC)
  • RB + RT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 + Skill Box 3 (Mobile)

If you activate the Rapid Punches ability right after launching the enemy into the air with the twofold kick, you can catch them and also perform a beatdown.

Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, executing two powerful kicks on an opponent, causing them to bounce off the ground into the air on a city street. Following the bounce, Gojo performs a spinning kick, catches the opponent midair, and delivers a rapid beatdown. The urban environment features modern buildings and green trees, highlighting the intense combat scene. The action loops seamlessly, displaying Gojo's martial prowess and strategic combat skills.
Simple Twofold Kick Combo

Full Combo


  • Q + 3 M1's + Space + M1 aimed to the ground (Groundslam) + 4 + 3 + 1 + R + 2 (PC)
  • Y + 3 B's + A + B aimed to the ground (Groundslam) + RB + RT + LB + D-Pad Left + LT (Xbox)
  • Dash Button + 3 Punches + Jump Button + Punch aimed to the ground (Groundslam) + 4 + 3 + 1 + Star Button + 2 (Mobile)


Here is a simple full combo that you can do to utilize all of your abilities. You can also replace the last Airborne Kick with the Surprise Red attack.

Note: Shift Lock is highly recommended to consistently perform these combos.

Animation displays Gojo, a character in a blue suit with white hair, executing a full combo of attacks on an opponent in a narrow city alley. The sequence begins with Gojo dashing forward to deliver three punches, then punching the opponent into the ground, followed by a twofold kick and a series of rapid punches. Gojo then uses 'Lapse Blue' to kick the opponent into the air, teleports to them midair, and kicks them back to the ground. The combo ends with Gojo firing a 'Reversal Red' energy ball at the opponent. The backdrop features a grey wall and green trees, highlighting the intense sequence. The action loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's diverse combat abilities.
Full Combo

Awakening the Six Eyes


  • G (PC)
  • D-Pad Up (Xbox)
  • Click on Awakening Bar (Mobile)


Once you've dealt enough damage, your bar will be full, and you can awaken the Six Eyes, which enhances your abilities further. Your HP is also healed by about 20 health. Gojo then gains some of the most powerful abilities in the game, which are all long-range abilities.

The awakening lasts 60 seconds, until you are killed or it ends after executing Hollow Purple Nuke.

Image depicts character Gojo standing on top of a building, against a glowing sunset sky. He wears a blue suit and has white hair. Gojo has pulled down his eye covers towards his chin, revealing his eyes as he awakens his abilities. His intense and focused expression enhances the dramatic effect of the scene.
Awakening the Six Eyes
Image showcases the transformation of Gojo's abilities menu before and after awakening. On the left, the menu titled 'Six Eyes' with a full blue progress bar includes abilities labeled: 1. Lapse Blue, 2. Reversal Red, 3. Rapid Punches, and 4. Twofold Kick. After pressing 'G' to activate, shown by the arrow pointing right, the menu on the right reveals upgraded abilities: 1. Lapse Blue MAX, 2. Reversal Red MAX, 3. Hollow Purple, and 4. Infinite Void, all indicated on a similar dark background.
Base vs Awakened Abilities

Awakened Moveset

1. Lapse Blue Max

  • Damage: Max of about 37 (if the enemy stays in the ball)
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 1 (PC)
  • LB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 (Mobile)


A giant blue ball with a gravitational pull that ragdolls enemies is released. It also does a lot of damage to the terrain with quite a long range. If cast on the ground you can control it a bit in horizontal directions by using movement keys (no shift-lock), or with the mouse/cursor (with shift-lock).

If performed mid-air you will hover during its duration and you will be able to control it horizontally and vertically. But its most important use case is to create a Hollow Purple Nuke.

Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, firing a blue energy ball that gravitationally pulls an enemy towards it on a city street. The background features modern buildings and a clear sky, enhancing the visual impact of Gojo's supernatural ability. The scene loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's control over his new power.
On Ground
Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, levitating midair on a city street while firing a blue energy ball that flies in multiple directions. The background features modern buildings and a clear sky. The energy ball demonstrates gravitational pull effects, manipulating the surroundings dynamically. The scene loops seamlessly, emphasizing Gojo's advanced supernatural abilities.
Mid - Air

2. Reversal Red Max

  • Damage: 3- 30 damage (depending on range)
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 2 (PC)
  • LT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 2 (Mobile)


Reversal Red Max is a long red beam, providing one of the longest-ranged abilities in the game. It also does a lot of damage to the terrain and ragdolls the opponent. Similar to Lapse Blue Max, it only aims horizontally when on the ground but can aim in any direction when activated mid-air. It is the second component to creating Hollow Purple Nuke.

Animation displays character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, firing a long red beam targeted at an opponent on a city street. The powerful beam launches the enemy away with force. The urban backdrop features modern buildings and a clear sky, enhancing the dramatic scene. The sequence loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's potent offensive ability.
On Ground
Animation depicts character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, levitating midair above a city street while firing a long red beam downward at an opponent. The beam's force is strong enough to launch the enemy away. The modern urban backdrop and clear sky enhance the visual impact of this dynamic scene. The sequence loops seamlessly, highlighting Gojo's enhanced aerial combat abilities.
Mid - Air

Reversal Red Max + Special Move Combo (Repelling Black Flash)

  • 4 + R (PC)
  • RB + D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 + Star Button (Mobile)

Combining these abilities will make the red beam return as a red ball coming towards you. If it hits the opponent on the way back, they will come flying towards you and you will perform a Black Flash on them. It can almost do 50 damage.

Animation showcases character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, firing a long red beam at an opponent on a city street. After striking, the beam transforms into a red ball that hits the enemy from behind, pulling them towards Gojo. As the enemy approaches, Gojo delivers a powerful punch with a black flash effect, accompanied by dynamic screen animations that signify the impact. The urban environment adds to the scene's intensity. The action loops seamlessly, illustrating Gojo's formidable and strategic combat skills.
Black Flash

But there is a drawback. If you miss the enemy with the returning red ball, it will hit you, launching you far away and dealing a bit of damage.

Animation depicts character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, standing on top of a tall building. He fires a red beam that turns into a ball and unexpectedly returns towards him. Upon impact, Gojo is hit by the ball, sending him flying off the building. The scene, set against a backdrop of a cityscape at sunset, loops seamlessly, showcasing an unintended consequence of his power.
Failed Black Flash Attempt

3. Hollow Purple

  • Damage: 70 damage
  • Cooldown: 40 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Uninterruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 3 (PC)
  • RT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 3 (Mobile)


This has to be one of the most powerful abilities in the game, besides Yuji's/Sukuna's World Cutting Slash. For a single ability and not being a domain, it offers the highest damage, longest range, and one of the highest terrain destructions. It cannot be blocked, interrupted, and it can even destroy domains (see third picture). The only weak spot that it has is at very close range (if the enemy is standing right in front of you) in which case they don't get hit. The same way as Lapse Blue Max and Reversal Red Max, it can be controlled better if performed mid-air.

Animation depicts character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, combining a blue and red energy ball to create a giant purple ball. This powerful orb unleashes destruction in a straight line as it flies towards an enemy on a city street. The urban environment features modern buildings and a clear sky, highlighting the intense magical attack. The scene loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's formidable and strategic combat abilities.
On Ground
Animation shows character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, levitating midair above a city street and combining a blue and red energy ball to create a large purple ball. This powerful ball causes destruction in a straight line below him as it flies towards an enemy. The urban setting is depicted with modern buildings and a clear sky, emphasizing the dramatic magical assault. The scene loops seamlessly, highlighting Gojo's advanced aerial combat skills.
Mid - Air
Animation captures Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, wielding two energy balls, one blue and one red, on either side of him. He combines them into a large purple ball and fires it at a white domain. The impact causes the domain to shatter like glass, creating a dramatic explosion of fragments. The background features vivid, surreal colors, enhancing the magical and destructive effect. The scene loops seamlessly, showcasing Gojo's ability to break through powerful barriers.
Destroying a Domain

4. Domain Expansion - Infinite Void

  • Damage: 0
  • HP: Low HP
  • Cooldown: Can be used once while awakened
  • Duration: 2 second intro + 12 second duration
  • Blockable (if you start blocking before it's cast you will maintain a blocking position inside of it)
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 4 (PC)
  • RB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 (Mobile)


Infinite Void domain traps the enemies inside of a domain where they cannot move. As long as you have your abilities ready, you are free to do anything with them inside of it. Similar to Sukuna's domain, it has quite low HP, meaning it can quickly break from outside.

Pro Tip: If you start blocking before entering Gojo's Domain, you will maintain your block, giving you a higher chance of survival.

The image displays a massive, glowing white dome on a city street, with the backdrop of a modern, high-rise building. The dome is bright and opaque, obscuring any details inside it, casting a stark contrast against the urban environment. This visual represents the external appearance of a protective or magical domain in a digital setting.
Domain from Outside
Animation depicts character Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, striking a dramatic pose on a city street as he casts a domain expansion. His expression is intense and the environment around him begins to transform, visually representing an infinite space. The buildings and street fade into abstract, endless patterns, creating a surreal and powerful visual effect. The scene loops seamlessly, illustrating the vastness and impact of Gojo's magical abilities.
Domain Expansion

Hollow Purple Nuke (Omnidirectional Hollow Purple)

  • Damage: 1- 100
  • Duration: 2 seconds to explode after created
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible (you can be interrupted, while casting reversal red max or lapse blue max)
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 1 + 2 (PC)
  • LB + LT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 + Skill Box 2 (Mobile)


Hollow Purple Nuke can be performed if you manage to kill an enemy using Lapse Blue Max. In that case, Lapse Blue Max will remain in place for a few seconds, and you can shoot Reversal Red Max into it. If done in time, it will create a Hollow Purple Nuke.


Once created, the Hollow Purple Nuke will explode in 2 seconds, destroying a tremendous amount of terrain and dealing 1 - 100 damage to all players within its radius, based on their distance from it. Keep in mind that it also damages you and consumes your entire awakening bar.

Animation shows Gojo, in a blue suit with white hair, unleashing a powerful sequence of attacks on a city street. He first fires a blue energy ball, which acts like a black hole, engulfing and trapping an enemy. Gojo then shoots a red beam into the captive blue ball. This combination turns the ball purple, which then expands significantly before exploding in a vibrant display. The urban setting features modern buildings and a clear sky, enhancing the visual impact of the magical combat. The scene loops seamlessly, demonstrating Gojo's strategic and devastating powers.
Hollow Purple Nuke

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