Thumbnail for a 'Jujutsu Shenanigans' Roblox game guide, featuring Yuji, a character inspired by 'Jujutsu Kaisen.' He is displayed with spiky pink hair, dressed in a dark blue jacket with red accents. The image includes the text 'YUJI FULL GUIDE' and game controls '1 2 3 4 q r', set against a cartoon-style cityscape with purple and red buildings.

Full Yuji Guide - Jujutsu Shenanigans

Master Yuji's (The Vessel's) Formidable Abilities And Expert Combos In Roblox's Jujutsu Shenanigans, Featuring The World Cutting Slash And Black Flash, Along With The Transformative King Of Curses Power. This Guide Offers Essential Strategies For Combining Moves To Maximize Gameplay Effectiveness.

May 17, 2024
Thumbnail for a 'Jujutsu Shenanigans' Roblox game guide, featuring Yuji, a character inspired by 'Jujutsu Kaisen.' He is displayed with spiky pink hair, dressed in a dark blue jacket with red accents. The image includes the text 'YUJI FULL GUIDE' and game controls '1 2 3 4 q r', set against a cartoon-style cityscape with purple and red buildings.

Basic Information

  • Health: 85 HP
  • Awakening: Sukuna: King of Curses

Second Character from Jujutsu Shenanigans, based on Yuji and Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen. This character focuses more on Melee Combat (at least in the Base Moveset) and shifts towards more Destructive Powers in the Awakened Moveset. Yuji offers the Best Combo Potential in the game currently.


Special Move - Feint (Combat Instincts)

  • Cooldown: 2 Seconds


  • R (PC)
  • D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Star Button (Mobile)


Feint will cancel any move you are currently performing (except Manji Kick). It will fully refund the cooldown of the canceled ability, making this move useful for baiting opponents.

It can also be used for moving around with Aerial Strike (Cursed Strikes) or Slamdown (Crushing Blow) without sacrificing anything, as the cooldown of 2 seconds is so short and your abilities get refunded.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox stands on a rooftop, wearing his signature dark blue outfit and red scarf, while performing a special move to cancel his ability. The scene is set against a serene sunset sky.
Combat Instincts

Base Moveset

1. Cursed Strikes

  • Damage: About 12 Damage
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
  • Blockable
  • Interruptible
  • Doesn't Bypass Ragdoll


  • 1 (PC)
  • LB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 (Mobile)


With this ability, you dash forward, and if you hit an opponent who isn't blocking in your direction, you will perform a Beatdown. After the Beatdown, the opponent is briefly stunned, allowing you to continue with your other abilities or basic attacks.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox dashes forward to perform a beatdown on his opponent in the middle of a city street. The background features a row of buildings with colorful facades.
Cursed Strikes


If the enemy is killed by this ability, there will be a Finisher Animation where they are kicked into the distance.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox delivers a powerful spinning kick, sending his opponent flying, as he finishes them off in the middle of a city street. The background features pastel-colored buildings and trees.
Cursed Strikes Finisher

Jump + Cursed Strikes Combo (Aerial Strike)

  • Damage: 10
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll
  • Space + 1 (PC)
  • A + LB (Xbox)
  • Jump Button + Skill Box 1 (Mobile)

This move can also be performed while jumping to execute an Aerial Strike, which additionally breaks the Block and causes a Ragdoll effect, but it doesn't perform a Beatdown afterwards. If you use the Special Ability Combat Instincts while doing so, you can cancel your strike and use it for mobility.

If the opponent is killed by an Aerial Strike, there is also a Finisher Animation with a Black Flash effect.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox performs an aerial strike on his opponent in the middle of a city street. The background includes trees and colorful buildings.
Aerial Strike

2. Crushing Blow

  • Damage: About 7 Damage
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 2 (PC)
  • LT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 2 (Mobile)


If you are standing right next to the opponent, you will grab them and slam them into the ground twice. If you are not within range of the enemy, it will only perform a slam to the ground, which causes significant terrain damage.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox grabs his opponent and slams them into the ground in the middle of a city street. The background shows various buildings and a pedestrian crossing.
Crushing Blow


This move also has a Finisher Animation where the opponent is wrestled into the ground.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox finishes his opponent with a powerful move, grabbing them and slamming them into the ground behind his back. The background shows a city street with buildings and trees.
Crushing Blow Finisher

Jump + Crushing Blow Combo (Slamdown)

  • Blockable
  • Space + 2 (PC)
  • A + LT (Xbox)
  • Jump Button + Skill Box 2 (Mobile)

Crushing Blow can be combined with a jump to cover some distance and perform the attack from far away. It is also great for mobility, as you can combine this with the Special Ability Combat Instincts to cancel the ability just before landing, essentially getting a free dash. The cooldown of Crushing Blow will be refunded, and the Special Ability will be available in 2 seconds.

Surprisingly, this variation is blockable, while the normal variation isn't, probably to keep it balanced.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox cancels his ability while performing a mid-air ground slam attack to enhance his mobility. The scene takes place in a city street surrounded by colorful buildings and trees.

3. Divergent Fist

  • Damage: About 7 Damage
  • Cooldown: 18 Seconds
  • Unblockable (The Initial Hit is Blockable, but second isn't)
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 3 (PC)
  • RT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 3 (Mobile)


Divergent Fist is a punch that, if it hits, holds the enemy for a second and then delivers a second "lagged" strike. Despite looking like a punch, the second explosive strike has quite a large range (it works even if the enemy is on the ground) and also destroys a significant amount of terrain.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox punches an enemy, and after a short lag, delivers a second delayed strike. The action takes place on a city street, with buildings visible in the background.
Divergent Fist

Black Flash Variant

  • Damage: About 8 Damage
  • Cooldown: 18 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll
  • 3 + 3 (PC)
  • RT + RT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 3 + Skill Box 3 (Mobile)

If you use Divergent Fist and, as soon as your arm is in the back position, use it again, you will perform a Black Flash. It's a faster casting ability that is slightly more powerful, but most importantly, it breaks blocks.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox performs his signature move, Black Flash, delivering a powerful punch to his opponent. The action takes place on a city street with buildings and trees in the background.
Black Flash

Black Flash also has its own unique Finisher if it kills the enemy.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox finishes his opponent with a dramatic Black Flash, delivering a powerful punch. The scene takes place on a city street with buildings and trees in the background.
Black Flash Finisher

Crushing Blow+ Black Flash Combo

If we use Black Flash a little bit after the enemy is bounced into the air from Crushing Blow, we can catch and punch them mid-air.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox slams his opponent into the ground, then launches into the air. As he descends, he catches them with a powerful punch, executing his Black Flash move. The action takes place against a plain wall backdrop.
Crushing Blow + Black Flash Combo

4. Manji Kick (Counter Move)

  • Damage: About 3 Damage
  • Cooldown: 20 Seconds


  • 4 (PC)
  • RB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 (Mobile)


An unique ability from Yuji is Manji Kick. It's a Counter Move that can counter most abilities in the game (including throwable objects). If we cast Manji Kick while being hit, we will swing towards the enemy (no matter the distance), kick them, and cause a Ragdoll effect.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox counters a flying projectile by performing a Manji Kick and dashing towards his opponent. The action takes place on a city street with buildings and trees in the background.
Manji Kick

Full Combo


  • Q + 3 M1's + 1 + 3 M1's + M1 aimed to the ground (Groundslam) + 2 + 3 + 3 (PC)
  • Y + 3 B's + LB + 3 B's + B aimed to the ground (Groundslam) + LT + RT + RT (Xbox)
  • Dash Button + 3 Punches + 1 + 3 Punches + Punch aimed to the ground (Groundslam) + 2 + 3 +3 (Mobile)


Here is a simple full combo that you can do to utilize all of your abilities.

Note: Shift Lock is highly recommended to consistently perform these combos.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox performs a full combo on his opponent, starting with a beatdown, then punching them into the ground, ground slamming them, and finishing by catching them in the air with a Black Flash punch. The action takes place on a city street with buildings in the background.
Full Combo

Awakening Sukuna: King Of Curses


  • G (PC)
  • D-Pad Up (Xbox)
  • Click on Awakening Bar (Mobile)


Once you've dealt enough damage, your bar will be full, and you can awaken Sukuna, which enhances your abilities further. Your HP is also healed by about 70% of your total HP. Yuji/Sukuna then gains a versatile Moveset of Abilities, now also including Ranged Abilities.

The awakening lasts 60 seconds or until you are killed.

Yuji from "Jujutsu Kaisen" in Roblox transforms into Sukuna, standing on a rooftop with a serene sunset sky in the background.
A comparison of Yuji's moveset before and after transforming into Sukuna in Roblox. The base moveset includes Cursed Strikes, Crushing Blow, Divergent Fist, and Manji Kick. Upon transforming into Sukuna, the moveset changes to Dismantle, Open, Rush, and Malevolent Shrine.
Base vs Awakened Moveset

Awakened Moveset

Basic Attacks (M1's)

  • Damage: About 12 (with all 4 attacks, while base punches do a total of 10 Damage)
  • Blockable

First of all, your Basic Attacks are replaced with longer-range slashing attacks. These provide more range and slightly more damage, but you won't be able to use uptilts or downslams with them.

Yuji, transformed into Sukuna, in Roblox attacks his opponent with slashing attacks. The action takes place on a city street, with buildings and trees visible in the background.
Enhanced Basic Attacks

Special Move - Cleave

  • Damage: Max Damage of 33% Enemies HP
  • Cooldown: 12 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • R (PC)
  • D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Star Button (Mobile)


With Cleave, you can grab the enemy and slash them, dealing huge damage. The damage of this attack scales with the enemy's HP, dealing more damage if the enemy has Full Health.

Yuji, transformed into Sukuna, in Roblox grabs his opponent and slashes them. The action takes place on a city street, with a building and pedestrian crossing visible in the background.

1. Dismantle

  • Damage: 20 Damage
  • Cooldown: 10 Seconds
  • Blockable (Reduces damage to about 10)
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 1 (PC)
  • LB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 (Mobile)


A ton of slashes hit the opponent after pointing at them and casting the ability. It does significant damage and even deals decent damage through a block.

Yuji, transformed into Sukuna, in Roblox points at his enemy and performs a series of rapid slashes. The action unfolds on a city street, surrounded by buildings.

2. Open (Fire Arrow)

  • Damage: 32 Damage
  • Cooldown: 40 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible before the fire arrow is formed
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 2 (PC)
  • LT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 2 (Mobile)


The most destructive power of Sukuna is the Fire Arrow (Open). Once the Arrow is formed, this move cannot be canceled. It deals destructive damage to the terrain, similar to the Hollow Purple Nuke.

The Fire Arrow has an extremely long range but must hit an object to detonate or run out of range. It can only be aimed horizontally.

Yuji, transformed into Sukuna, in Roblox performs his signature move, Fuga. He draws out a flaming bow and shoots a flaming arrow, causing massive destruction. The action takes place at an intersection surrounded by buildings.
Open (Fire Arrow)

3. Rush

  • Damage: About 20 Damage
  • Cooldown: 15 Seconds
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Doesn't Bypass Ragdoll


  • 3 (PC)
  • RT (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 3 (Mobile)


This ability performs a long, destructive rush toward the opponent, followed by throwing them into the air and smashing them to the ground.

Yuji, transformed into Sukuna, in Roblox rushes towards his enemy, kicks them into the air, follows them, and slams them into the ground from a great height. The action takes place on a city street with a fence and trees in the background.

4. Domain Expansion - Malevolent Shrine

  • Damage: 10 Damage per Second
  • HP: Low HP
  • Cooldown: 120 Seconds
  • Duration: 2 Second intro + 18 Second duration
  • Blockable (reduces incoming damage to about 2 Damage per Second)
  • Interruptible


  • 4 (PC)
  • RB (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 4 (Mobile)


Malevolent Shrine traps enemies inside a domain where they are constantly being cut by slashes. The best they can do is try to block the damage, but you can use an ability like Open to Ragdoll them. If the enemies are at Full HP, they might try to kill you quickly before the slashes kill them.

Note: The slashes from the domain itself won't kill enemies if they are blocking.

An external view of Sukuna's domain, Malevolent Shrine, in Roblox. The dark, ominous structure stands prominently against a city backdrop with visible signage reading "Shinjuku."
Sukuna's Domain
 Sukuna in Roblox performs his domain expansion, Malevolent Shrine, as an altar rises dramatically from the ground and slashes occur everywhere. The scene is set on a city street with buildings visible in the background.
Malevolent Shrine

World Cutting Slash

  • Damage: About 75 Damage (Damage reduces if more enemies are hit, it then deals about 50 Damage to all of them)
  • Unblockable
  • Interruptible
  • Bypasses Ragdoll


  • 1 + 3 + 2 + R (PC)
  • LB + RT + LT + D-Pad Left (Xbox)
  • Skill Box 1 + Skill Box 3 + Skill Box 3 + Star Button (Mobile)


Despite the World Cutting Slash using four abilities and putting them on cooldown, it is not necessary to have them all ready. All you need is for one ability (Dismantle) to be off cooldown.


This move is a bit tricky to pull off.

  • Start by pressing abilities 1 (Dismantle) and 3 (Rush) one after the other. If you succeed, the dialogue "Scale of the Dragon" should appear.
  • Just a bit after pressing those two keys, press 2 (Open). The dialogue should say "Recoil".
  • Lastly, a bit later, press R (Cleave Ability). The dialogue should say "Twin Meteors".

After that, a huge slash will appear in front of you with medium range, dealing significant damage to all enemies. It also destroys domains.

Sukuna in Roblox performs a world-cutting slash by shouting "Scale of the dragon, recoil, twin meteors," delivering a fatal cutting slash to his opponent. The scene is set against a plain wall backdrop.
World Cutting Slash

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